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In the world of ideas some topics are unacceptable. To reflect upon them openly is frowned upon. Challenging the prevailing narrative is even worse. You run the risk of being called an idiot and a danger to society. Issues like population control, curbing industrial agriculture, national sovereignty, mandating vaccinations, replacing elected representatives with more direct forms of democracy, or banning billionaires, for example, are all taboo subjects - never to be spoken about in polite company.

Which is why we are going to talk about them. Subscribe now to get full access to the Hames Report where I will be examining at length, often in considerable depth, issues that concern all of us as we are forced to come to terms with new realities and evolve new ways of being.

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We are now posting daily snippets of unconventional wisdom, along with monthly podcasts, on The Virtual Activist website: At some stage we will be adding video interviews with some of the most thought-provoking and profound thinkers in the world today. Later we also intend hosting a series of podcasts devoted to the challenges facing humanity over the coming decades.

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Unpalatable truths not usually discussed in polite company


Philosopher-Activist & Mentor