Oct 19, 2022Liked by Richard David Hames

As I approach 77 at the end of November I feel so much compassion with your musings as I hover between introspection and regret for a life half lived - especially in comparison with what you have managed to achieve, despite your misgivings.

They say the Limbic brain developed within us to enhance our sense of religion, myth and mystery in order to deal witth our specie's realisation of the finality of death and our attempts to reconcile and even counter that realisation. None of which detracts from our reminiscence of the good and the substandard we may have achieved, but in the process it's important never to lose sight of those things we have - our love - whether reciprocated or not, our impact - whether personal or more concrete, our legacy - whether in the souls we have touched or the offspring we have birthed. On all accounts I, at least, can recognise you as a significant human fellow traveller.

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Beautiful deep piece, on many levels, thanks for sharing. I’m 70 yr and as I head towards the pointy end of my life I often have moments of “WTF”!! I love living my life, the good the bad & the sad. I’m grateful for it all. I’m learning to be more present so as to enjoy the detail. I have this urge to do more, to totally exhaust every moment as if it’s my last, not sure why but I’m loving my time on this earth. I’ll rest when I’m dead. I guess I’m finally learning how to live rather than exist. Cheers mate.

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